佛罗里达水处理’s Frequently Asked Questions

  • 什么是“硬水”?

    When water is referred to as ‘hard,这仅仅意味着它比普通的水含有更多的矿物质. 钙和镁通常是处理硬水时提到的两种主要矿物质. When the amount of dissolved calcium and 镁 increases, so does the degree of hardness in the water.

  • Why would I want to remove hardness in my water?

    众所周知,硬水会堵塞管道,并使肥皂在水中的溶解能力变得复杂. Due to increased hardness deposits (or scale), hard water also significantly decreases the life of your water pipes, 家用电器(洗碗机), 洗衣机, A / C单位, 等.), as well as any 管道设备 in your home. These can all cause costly repairs if damaged by hard water. Installing water treatment in your home, 比如软水器, can aid in eliminating these negative effects.

  • 什么是水软化??

    当水含有大量的钙和镁时,它就是硬水. 水软化是一种去除导致水变硬的离子的技术. 在大多数情况下, a water softener removes the calcium and 镁 ions; however, iron ions may also be removed during the softening process. 最有效和可靠的水软化方法是将软水机组直接连接到供水系统.

  • 什么是软水器?

    软水器是一种用来去除水中硬度的装置. 它的作用是去除使水变硬的钙和镁矿物质.

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    众所周知,硬水会堵塞管道,使肥皂和洗涤剂在水中的溶解能力变得复杂. 硬水也会增加钙和水垢的沉积和积聚, 哪些可以显著降低众多家电的使用寿命. 拥有硬水也会使家庭热水的成本增加15%到20%. 在家中使用软化水可以显著延长热水器的使用寿命, 洗碗机, 洗衣机, 水龙头, 管道设备, 还有更多. 软化水也有助于提高性能和延长太阳能加热系统的使用寿命, 空调机组, and many other water-based applications.

  • 软水器是如何工作的?

    Water softeners work through an ion exchange process. 软化剂去除带正电荷的离子钙(Ca2+)和镁(Mg2+)使用带负电荷的树脂过滤介质. Softeners are also sometimes applied to remove iron. 许多软化剂每升可以去除5毫克的溶解铁. Softeners can operate automatic, semi-automatic, or manual. 每种类型都是根据它在需要再生之前可以去除的硬度来评定的. When a water softener regenerates, 它收集树脂上的硬矿物质,并将它们冲洗到排水管中. 在这个时候,它也会给树脂充电,这样它就可以继续有效地去除硬度. When an ion exchanger is applied for water softening, 它会将水中的钙和镁离子替换成其他离子(例如, 钠或钾). 交换离子以钠盐或钾盐(NaCl和KCl)的形式添加到软化剂储罐(在这种情况下称为盐水罐)中。. 然后用清水冲洗掉钠或钾,以免过量添加到家里的水中.

  • How long does a water softener last?

    A water softener’s lifespan depends greatly on your individual water chemistry; however, a good water softener will last many years. 除了偶尔检查和加盐外,许多可靠的软水器几乎不需要维护.

  • 我应该用哪种盐?

    There are several types of salt available for use in water softeners. Rock salt, 太阳能盐, and evaporated salt are all good to use. Pellets or block salt are not recommended, 因为许多含有一种粘合剂,可以导致您的设备故障随着时间的推移. 如果你担心你的钠摄入量,钾是一个很好的替代品.

  • Since potassium is more expensive, does that make it better?

    钠和钾都会产生离子交换,这是软水器正常工作所必需的. Since they both do the same thing for your water softener, one is no better for your water softener than the other. 如果一个人在医生的严格指示下限制钠的摄入量,通常会使用钾.

  • 为什么我的盐水看起来很脏?

    尤其是在使用岩盐的时候, 太阳能盐, 或者蒸发盐, 自然精炼过程中可能会有残留的沉淀物. This can cause the water to look a little dirty. This is completely normal and should not cause alarm. The brine solution in your brine tank is only used to recharge the resin; it is then discharged and rinsed away.

  • Is it harmful to mix salts in my water softener?

    Generally, it is not harmful to mix salts in the water softener. 然而, 在用替代盐替换之前,最好让水箱中现有的盐减少.

  • How often should I add salt to a softener?

    This depends on your water usage and how often your unit regenerates. Depending on the size of your equipment, 你的水软化剂每次再生会使用6到10磅的盐. Checking your salt level about every month or so is recommended. 盐应始终保持在单元中,以保证令人满意的生产水. 请注意,在重新填充之前,你可以让盐一直下去. 加盐罐的时候, you should fill it to about half full, 不要超过四分之三-这可以防止桥接,并应保持您的单位正常工作.

  • 为什么有时我的水在加盐后没有立即变软?

    When you add salt to your brine tank, 它会慢慢溶解,形成再生过程中使用的盐水混合物. 因此,在盐能起作用之前,它需要在盐槽内停留一段时间. 如果在向盐水池中加入盐后立即启动再生循环, the water softener may not work according to standards. When water softening does not take place, 这也可能表明软化剂故障或使用的盐有问题.

  • How much does a water softener cost?

    软水器的成本在很大程度上取决于软水器的类型及其部件的质量. 有些软化剂比其他软化剂更有效,因此,价格可能会有所不同. 有时间操作软化剂和水表控制软化剂可用. 仪表控制的软化剂每磅盐产生最软的水. 然而, 通过使用软化水获得的效益和成本节约大大超过了软水机组本身的成本.

    佛罗里达水处理的水软化剂是为我们的每个客户定制的, so no two units are exactly alike. 我们不采取一刀切的方法,也不像国家品牌那样批量生产我们的设备. 我们根据您个人对水质的关注来建造您的设备. 如果你想估计一下在你家安装软水器要花多少钱, 请致电727-736-2747, and we would be happy to assist you.

  • How much does a water softener cost during operation?

    运行成本通常包括盐的成本,盐的成本根据用水量而变化. 您还应该定期对系统进行维护检查,以保持水的质量,并确保软化剂有效运行.

  • 软化的饮用水安全吗?

    Softened water still contains all the natural minerals that we need. It is only deprived of its calcium and 镁, 在软化过程中加入少量的钠(或钾). 这就是为什么在大多数情况下,软化的水是完全安全的. 请注意,当在硬度非常高的地区准备婴儿配方奶粉或严格限制钠饮食的客户时,请使用软化水, a medical professional should be consulted prior to consumption.

  • Can salt from the softening process enter my drinking water?

    通过软化过程添加到水中的钠的量取决于水的硬度. Hard water contains calcium and 镁, which is replaced with sodium during the softening process. 钙和镁的浓度越高,软化水所需的钠就越多. 即便如此,从软化水中产生的钠含量也不应该引起人们的担忧.

  • How much sodium is in softened water?

    从软化过程中产生的钠的量是最小的. 通常,一杯8盎司的软化自来水中的钠含量低于12.5毫克钠. According to the Food and Drug Administration nutrient guidelines, this is in the very low sodium range.

  • Will softening drinking water deprive you of essential minerals?

    Softening will not deprive you of essential minerals. 软化会使饮用水失去导致水变硬的矿物质, 比如钙, 镁, 和铁.

  • Will softening drinking water deprive it of essential minerals?

    Softening will not deprive water of its essential minerals. 软化会使饮用水失去导致水变硬的矿物质, 比如钙, 镁, 和铁.

  • How often should my softener be serviced?

    Just like any other household appliance, 建议定期进行预防性维护,以确保您的软水器发挥其最佳功能. 一般来说,你的软化剂应该每12到18个月检查一次.

  • 如果我有软水机,我还应该在洗碗机里使用漂洗助剂吗?

    No. 事实上, when you use a rinse aid (such as Jet Dry ®) with softened water, it can cause your dishes to come out spotty. 来解释, 当你有硬水的时候, 漂洗剂附着在水中的硬度上,使它很容易被洗掉. 当水软化后,漂洗剂就没有硬度附着了. 因此, it attaches itself to your dishes, causing a 'film' to form on your glasses, 盘子, 和餐具. So, what detergent should you use when using softened water? Just know that you don't need anything fancy. 普通的洗洁精就可以了——只要确保里面没有漂洗剂就行了!

  • Does a softener brine tank need cleaning?

    在正常情况下,通常不需要清洗盐水池. 除非所用盐的不溶性物质含量异常高,或者盐槽内存在严重的设备故障. 在这种情况下,应清洗盐水槽,防止设备故障.

  • What is 'bridging,' and how can we avoid it?

    当在盐水罐中使用松散压实的盐丸或立方体盐时, it may form tiny crystals of evaporated salt, 比如食盐. 这些晶体可能结合在一起,在盐水罐中形成一团厚厚的硬化盐. 这种现象通常被称为“桥接”,可能会中断卤水的生产. 这就是为什么把你的盐水箱装满四分之三以上是很重要的, as overfilling your unit can encourage bridging. 卤水生产是软水器中树脂珠更新的最重要因素. 如果不生产卤水,软水机就不能生产软水.

  • When does a softener resin need replacement?

    When the water does not become soft enough, 你应该首先考虑所用盐的问题或软化剂部件的机械故障. 当这些因素不是造成水软化不理想的原因时, 可能是时候更换软化剂树脂或整个软化剂了. A common sign of resin needing replacement is reduced water pressure. If you ever experience reduced water pressure with your water softer, the water softener should immediately be placed in bypass, and you should call your service company for service.

  • Will having a water softener reduce my water pressure?

    如果你家里有一个适合你的房子和家庭规模的高质量软水器,你应该不会注意到水压下降. If you are experiencing reduced water pressure, 你应该把你的设备调到旁路,并立即打电话给维修公司进行维修.

  • Can brine from a water softener damage a septic tank?

    The Water Quality Association has performed studies on this subject. 这些研究表明,一个适当放置的化粪池不会被软水机排放的盐水破坏. 软化水还可以减少排入化粪池的洗涤剂的数量.

  • Can a water softener be used with lead pipes?

    铅管系统必须在软化水流过之前进行更换. Although lead pipes in hard water areas may not cause a problem, it is advisable to replace them anyway. 当自然或人工软化的水最终进入这些铅管系统时, 这可能会导致铅的吸收.

  • Can a water softener be taken along during a move?

    有了现代软水机,在移动过程中很有可能随身携带. 安装技术包括快速安装连接,就像洗衣机上使用的连接一样. 所要做的就是关闭软化剂的进口和出口阀门,打开旁通阀, allowing hard water to flow to the storage tank and household pipes. 在软化剂断开连接后,可以将其移动到新的位置,并在那里进行管道铺设. 需要注意的是,当从城市水转移到井水时, 如果你现在的软水器不适合井水使用,它可能无法正常工作. 也, 在决定你目前的柔软器是否适合新家的尺寸时,应该考虑到新家的大小.

  • Can waste from a water softener be discharged directly into a garden?

    因为盐水改变了植物赖以调节水分需求的渗透压. 此外,应避免直接排放氯化钠或氯化钾.

  • Is softened water any help for dry skin conditions?

    需要注意的是,有些情况下,皮肤干燥的人从使用软化水中受益. This is because softened water is gentler for hair and skin.

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